Enabling Business-to-Consumer Electronic Commerce

The evolution of e-commerce, in e-commerce are divided into several types, namely; B2C, B2B, C2C and C2B. B2B is a transaction that occurs between businesses with customers, for example when a person buying tickets through the airline's web site. B2B is a transaction that occurs between a fellow entrepreneur, is common in an enterprise purchasing suppliers from other companies. C2B is a transaction that occurs between the customer sells the work to a company, for example, is the work of a photographer photographs that will be on the use of an enterprise in the field of people's commercial. C2C is the trade activities between communities within a marketplace, for example IE OLX, Shoppe, Tokopedia, and so on.

But e-commerce activities did not cease until there only. E-government is one part of e-commerce. In the e-commerce there are three types namely; G2C (Government-to-Citizens), G2B (Government-to-Business), and G2G (Government to Government). With her it is no system of Government can walk better, because on G2C Government may provide information to the public and then utilized for the people who want to create or extend the passport do not need come to the Immigration Office to wait.

E-commerce business strategies are similar to the strategies used in any type of business, but the big benefit is the ability to specifically measure the effectiveness of ecommerce activities. Those choosing to market their products or service online can take advantage of a variety of tools and techniques that are cost effective and relatively easy to implement.

How to make good web site for e-commerce? First the Web site should offer something unique. Second the Web site must motivate people to visit, to stay, and to return. Third must advertise your presence on the Web. Fourth owner should learn from he/she Web site.

Next in improving a product in e-commerce is certainly a must have internet marketing. Internet marketing is divided in some way IE; search marketing, display ads, e-mail marketing, social media marketing, mobile marketing, and performance marketing. But internet marketing method that is currently most widely used social media marketing, because in the social media marketing can interest people to know of a product or company-owned online store categories C2C. social media marketing is most easily we meet at one of the social media i.e. Instagram, for people who have a large number of followers in his account can be an influencer. Influencers on Instagram always offer promotions, such as a paid endorsement and promote. And this time the various online stores often use the services of an influencer on Instagram to introduce their products. But in a big corporation is also often use e-mail marketing, this method requires that costs a bit. At first when customers register and agree to get updates on the latest products so the company will send you an e-mail containing the latest product to all customers who agree to get the latest product updates.