Buka Lapak’ Porter’s Five Forces

Buka lapak is one of the e-commerce and market place in Indonesia, there are more than 5 market place in Indonesia, Buka lapak should know how best and better strategy to still strong and available in this business. Buka Lapak also need to develop and improve their services , User Interface and user experience, is not easy to create all of them directly. So when buka lapak use management information system as management role. It can be easier than nothing use.

Five forces in Management information system can help Buka lapak to know, better to improve or know more information.

First is Rivalry among existing competitors, which is mean Rivalry  among existing competitors is HIGH within this industry, buka lapak should aware with the other services operation company like Shopee, Lazada, Bli bli, OLX . They can be great competitor and also be rival for buka lapak business.

Second Power of buyers, which  is mean Power of buyers is really high, because buyers can choose where the best and better e-commerce can fulfill their wishes,  what they want , and what they need, so Buka lapak should know what the best solution to create buyers being enjoy and comfort with this services and everything related about customers.

Third is threats of subtitutes, which is mean that buka lapak must know the situation that can substitute their same services with better, when buka lapak don’t improve services it will be substitutes within other services, from shopee, or lazada. It depend to where the best offer from.

Fourth is suppliers power, which is mean that, suppliers hape power to make change in cost maybe, or quantity of the goods, it will be impact and affect to buka lapak’s services and cost in the market place. And also it will be impact to customer indirectly.

Fifth is threats of new entrance to the industry to compete buka lapak, maybe we can say like shopee, lazada, bli bli maybe now there is aku laku, all of this company can compete buka lapak whole of the industry, because services that offering is relatively same as buka lapak. Buka lapak should mantain, improve the quality, being creatively with promos, and everything that can make buka lapak still endure with this industry

So, when buka lapak uses management information system to create and know about the strategy and information it will be easier to know, the best strategy to making decision, for their business to upgrade endurance. And also give the best and better services for customer.

It will be make buka lapak being great in this industry and business.

Oleh : Jody Ikhsan Firdaus & Gunawan Wang