Internet of Things

Internet of Things or IoT includes everything connected with the internet, but it is used more often to identify things that "interact” to each other. In other words, the Internet of Things is made up of devices, sensors, etc. IoT has become a major driver of digital change in industrial verticals. Due to increased investment and the age of technology, IoT applications in connected cars, public utilities, and industrial manufacturing are expected to enter the field of integration and new promotions. IoT relies on Information and communications technology (ICT) to restore traditional industries. By combining the physical and digital world, IoT has the power to change the industry of the future. IoT can facilitate business processes, increase productivity, and provide customers with better products and services, while providing potential for innovation. After years of technological progress and market development, IoT is ready to explore the world of illegal ICT opportunities. Each of these connections has its own requirements, and each device requires a smart sensor to connect to the cloud. The application network is fragmented and has a long time in the market. Uncertain on end-to-end (E2E) networks, artificial intelligence, and Big Data analysis, creating value from data is a difficult struggle. In addressing those challenges, ICT partners must develop broad-based alliances and harmonious changes. Producers, operators, vendors, developers, research institutions, and government institutions have a role in doing work for us.

Many companies have used IoT for their business. One of them are Huawei company. Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. is a Chinese multinational telecommunications company and consumer electronics manufacturer, headquartered in Shenzhen, Guangdong, China.. At first focusing on making phone switches, Huawei expanded its business including telecommunications building networks, providing consulting and operational services and equipment for companies both inside and outside China, and manufacture of communication devices for the consumer market. Huawei has created a connection management of IoT platform that provides agnostic access, displaying all connections between humans and objects. It also offers IoT computing IoT and NarrowBand IoT (NB-IoT) to provide wide coverage, low data rates, costs and power consumption in various industries. Huawei's NB-IoT platform is based on NarrowBand IoT cellular, it uses a bandwidth of 180 kHz and can be directly used on GSM, UMTS or LTE networks. To improve its availability, Huawei has partnered with DHL to focus on IoT-based cell technology innovation to connect a large number of remote devices by reducing power consumption. The advantages of these IoT solutions are; IoT Platform connects millions of IoT devices, delivers commands to them, and collects device data, facilitating device management, Machine Learning Service (MLS) enables users to quickly discover data rules, build a prediction model, and deploy a prediction analysis solution, and Cloud Stream Service (CS) fully manages computing clusters, enabling users to focus only on Stream SQL services. CS is compatible with Apache Flink APIs, and CS jobs run in real time. However they also brought some business challenges. IoT operates large amounts of different data from different systems. Attracts analytical and data-driven challenges to improve efficiency and help create new business services and models. Because IOT continues to apply to traditional industries that are not equipped with IT capabilities, it needs more empowerment. Rather than succeeding in the service, customers are getting support of infrastructure development resources, which have succeeded in getting fast service and restoring market opportunities.


Oleh: Evangelica Yugeta Omegawan

Dosen: GUnawan Wang