Analysis of Student Satisfaction Factors on Learning Management Systems by Adoption on E-Learner Satisfaction Model
by Elko Priatama & Viany Utami TJhin
The Learning Management System is a system that was developed with learning exams conducted by educational and non-educational institutions. An analysis is required in its development to
ensure that the LMS meets the user’s learning needs. By considering the user acceptance and learning satisfaction models of LMS development for students, the main goal can be achieved easily. The analysis
carried out there must take various factors into account when developing LMS to achieve learner satisfaction. Factors that have a significant impact on this study are system quality, service quality, diversity
in assessments, and perceived usefulness. The factors included but have no effect are course and information quality with acceptance rates above 0.05, which is 0.430. It is an essential part of improving the learning management system development of the educational institution in Indonesia.