ABSTRACT. Era Internet of things has become an everyday life that should be a usual thing. The company needs to see this as usual and always keep up so it won’t be left behind by their competitor. Logistic and supply chain management is of key when an industry has a production plant and also marketing because it can control from upstream to downstream. Supply chain management is becoming a critical issue that the company has to get the best way to get a more efficient supply chain. The shipping and port industry has grown to be a global operator to give services around the world. Port management also needed to be managed because the shorter time of ships in the port, the more activity could get and it will give more efficient cost for the terminal. Port time has a direct relation to oil bunker consumption which is if the ship/vessel can minimize their port time, bunker consumption also become lower then the emission also lower. Supply chain management could connect with a system that manages and plan company resources including funds, time, machine, tools, etc., then supply chain management could go digital. ERP looked complicated because it is an integrated concept of planning and managing company resources. When the ERP becomes too complex, the company could make a ‘bridge’ that can be a hub to connect a different website or application, so, the data will store in the same server and analysis could be done faster.  

  1. Introduction 

Logistics is a chain process that delivers product from one place to another place untill they received by the consumer. Logistic networks becomes the key in distribution for the competitive, success of supply chain. Pertamina as a state-owned enterprise that has a government assignment to distribute energy in Indonesia, especially oil and gas product. Indonesia consist of 17.000 island that separated by oceans and energy need to distributed for all citizen. Then, logistic and supply chain management is becoming a critical issue that the company have to get the best way to get more efficient supply chain. The use of shipping for delivery product is the low budget delivery and it is suitable with the Indonesia characteristic that has an ocean more than 70% of its area. Pertamina has 123 ports that used to deliver their product in Indonesia and it was a big supply chain in Indonesia. Through 123 port, Pertamina deliver fuels around Indonesia like Pertamax, Pertalite, LPG and others and the citizen can use it for their vehicle till cooking food.  

In this era, digitalization becomes a hot topic and data has become a new gold. Internet of Things (IoT) becoming a usual thing because everyone use internet, now. Data is a new focus that everyone want it because through data analysis we can get a new condition that can help management to give a faster decision and solve the company’s problem.All kind of data need to be digital because everyone want to use it realtime and everyone can live monitor. So, it will need an integrated system that can manage the port and supply chain effectively and efficient.  

  1. Literature Review 

Operation and supply chain management are inseparateable processes, it’s the design, operation and improvement of the systems that create and deliver the firm’s primary product and services. Supply chain refers to processes that move information or product to and from the manufacturing and service process of the firm. Also, from this process include physically moving the product for quick delivery to the customer. The process describe before also categorized and it consists of planning, sourcing,  making, delivering, and returning.

Global logistic supply chain, based on the type of transportation, consist of land freight, air freight and sea freight. Each type has advantages and disadvantages. The consumer could choose based on their need and each type also have a different price. Sea-freight suitable for a country like Indonesia which has many islands and it has a low cost, so , the freight cost still low. Sea-freight must need a tool to transport and that is a ship and a port for berthing. Shipping and port industry have growth to be a global operator to give services around the world. Port management also needed to be managed because the shorter time of ship in the port, the activity could get more and it will give more efficient cost for the terminal. Port time has a direct relation to oil bunker consumption which is if the ship/vessel can minimize their port time, bunker consumption also become lower and it could help the port/terminal.  

It is generally perceived that green supply chain management promotes efficiency
and synergy among business partners and their lead corporations, and helps to
enhance environmental performance, minimize waste and achieve cost savings.[4]  

In this era, the internet of thing (IoT) also has become a hot topic and digitalisation become an innovation that a company should has. Without innovation in  technology, a company can go bankrupt because they left behind by their competitor. Supply chain management also need to be improved.  

Supply chain management could connect with a system that manage and plan company resources including funds, time, machine, tools, etc., then supply chain management could go digital. The simple way to go digital is collect the data from the tools to application and usually people called it “combination of innovation”. Internet and web application become a common innovation which the innovator also combine it with the tools then people called it innovation with realtime data.  

Digital technologies imply homogenisation of data, editability, reprogrammability, distributedness and self-referentiality.[5] IS system has been changed because of the digital platform.[6] User interaction also change because they interact with application. Platform becomes more complicated and make IS has more variant. All the platform can be integrated and become one to get more easy monitoring dashboard.  

Enterprise resources planning is an integrated system that links an enterprise’s internal applications and supports its external business processes. Typically, ERP looked complicated because it is an integrated concept of planning and managing company resources like human capital, customer and vendor data management, budgeting, financing, inventory, material production, supply chain management, product stock and logistic, etc. ERP has an objective to integrate all company activities,so, it will minimize the gap of unnecesasary activity and maximize activity data related. [9] 

Pertamina has 123 ports and before the growth of  internet and technology, data was scattered and analysis was slow. Pertamina, especially Logistic and Supply Chain Directorate has key performance indicator (KPI) about port management which need to control and handle to get efficient port activity. Management give a challenge to magaer to make improvement to get an effective port management and collect the data at one place, so, it will become a big data that can be used for analysis, cost cutting management, port management, etc.